Angela Mancuso

Company: AIT Worldwide Logistics
Job title: Chief Human Resources Officer
Develop: What More Can We Learn About The Best Practice Strategies Leaders Have Implemented to Cultivate Great, Employee Culture? 10:20 am
Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Workshop Day ChairRead more
day: Day Two
Discover: Discussing Employee Engagement; How To Measure The Success of Our Culture, Values and Engagement 10:00 am
How can we measure culture in order to implement programs needed and drive manager effectiveness? How can we determine if our core values align with the behaviours we are seeing within our culture? Shifting from employee engagement surveys to a ‘Core Value Index’ survey to continue to advance culture with programs implemented globally based upon…Read more
day: Day Two
Inspiring The Next Gen Logistics and Transportation Workforce
Tuesday, August 6 | 12-4pm 12:00 pm
This workshop day aims to deep dive into the methods and strategies HR leaders can implement to inspire a new generation to pursue a career in the logistics and transportation industry. This afternoon will get beneath the skin of the non-traditional tactics HR leaders can use to attract a new generation and unpick the perceptions…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Day