7:30 am Registration & Networking
8:30 am What it Takes to Make LEAP a Reality
8:40 am Chair’s Opening Remarks
Recruitment Innovation To Attract Our Mission-Critical Logistics and Transportation Workforce
8:50 am Discover: High Volume Recruitment Innovation To Drive Efficiency and Do More With Less
- How can we use resources to our advantage to hire and onboard talent, without spending more in advertising and seasonal recruiting?
- Overhauling the candidate and recruiter experience to remove clunky and dated application processes and refine the integration with ATS
- Leveraging technology to refine our candidate communication strategies, now and into the future
9:10 am Discover: Out-of-the-box Recruitment Strategy to Enhance Opportunity and Attract Fresh Top Talent
- How can we get creative with our talent acquisition strategy to recruit top talent in and stand out from our competitors?
- Breaking into new talent pools through offshoring, enhancing opportunity and upskilling new talent to fill critical front line positions
- The strategy from Circle Logistics to take control of their staffing needs and drive HR efficiency
9:30 am Develop: What More Can We Do To Get Creative With Our TA Strategy & Overhaul the Candidate Experience?
Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Workshop Day Chair
9:50 am Action: How Can We Take Control of Our TA Strategy To Attract & Onboard Our Mission Critical Workforce Effectively?
Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair
10:00 am Innovate: The Survey Says: Why Manufacturing Employees Will Stay Loyal in 2025
For more than two decades, Purchasing Power has been working with Fortune 500 companies to offer an employee purchase program designed to help employees stretch their budget further when faced with financial hardship. In this session, we’ll talk about the findings from our 2024 Manufacturing Financial Wellness eBook and survey, specifically:
- Cost effective ways employers can help employees stay satisfied and reduce stress;
- Proven strategies to keep employees engaged and interested in their existing role; and
- Ensure employees have access to the resources they need to curtail the mounting demands of doing more with less.Â
10:20 am Speed Networking Break
Reimagining The Onboarding Process To Effectively Reduce Turnover, Advance People Development and Boost Engagement
11:00 am Discover: Transforming Engagement & Retention; How To Measure The Success of Our Onboarding Initiatives, Culture & Values
- How can we get our people invested in the mission and values of our logistics organization from the start of the onboarding process?
- Re-imagining and perfecting onboarding initiatives to drive retention amidst a scarce labor market
- How can we use employee engagement as a tool for retention and effectively reduce our turnover; The Story from Saddle Creek Logistics
11:20 am Discover: Session Reserved for: Blink
11:40 am
Develop: What More Can We Learn From the Leaders Reimagining Their Onboarding Initiatives To Engage & Retain Top Talent?
Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Workshop Day Chair
12:00 pm Action: What More Can We Do To Reduce Turnover and Engage Our Employees Through Our Onboarding Process?
Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair
12:20 pm Lunch
Non-Traditional Methods To Refresh Our Talent Pipeline and Progress Diversity & Inclusion
1:20 pm Discover: Prioritizing DEIB Initiatives To Diversify Our Logistics and Transportation Workforce
- How can we ensure that a sense of inclusion and belonging is ingrained into our company culture?
- How can we enhance opportunities for all employees within our existing workforce, and new candidates coming into the workforce from underrepresented communities?
- Making DEI a priority within our organization to make genuine impact and investment into our people and values
1:40 pm Develop: What Can We Learn From the Leaders Using Gig Workers To Overhaul Traditional HR Practices?
Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Workshop Day Chair
2:00 pm Action: How Can We Do More to Enhance Opportunities Within Our Organization and Diversify Our Talent Pipeline?
Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair
2:20 pm Fireside Chat: Progressing DEIB Initiatives To Make Genuine Impact Within Our Organizations & Further Diversify Our Workforce
- How can we get more underrepresented groups, namely women and veterans into the logistics and transportation industry?
- How can we break into new talent pools and fill critical front-line roles amidst an ageing workforce?
- What more can we do to progress DEIB initiatives within our organizations and make genuine impact on our future workforce and business goals?
Discussing Key Updates on Law Regulations and Compliance To Progress HR Efficiency and Communication
3:00 pm Networking Break
3:20 pm Panel Discussion: Reviewing Compliance & Law Regulations To Drive HR Efficiency and Progress Organizational Growth
- How can we stay up to date with state and federal law regulations and how can we communicate these effectively to our workforce?
- Updating our systems, policies and handbooks meaningfully to ensure that we are compliant and are moving forward in line with where the industry is headed
- What is your approach to training staff on compliance matter and how do you ensure that all levels of the organization understand and adhere to compliance policies?
Successfully Implementing Change Management To Prepare For The Next Era of Logistics HR
4:00 pm Discover: Re-imagining Change Management & The Role of HR In Organizational Transformation; The Story from EFL Global
- How can we as HR see the potential in our workforce and make that investment in our people to prepare for the next era of logistics HR?
- What strategic decision making is required to transform your organization from the inside out?
- Successful strategies to prepare for and drive change management with genuine authenticity during a turbulent time in order to steer your organization towards success.
4:20 pm Panel Discussion: Navigating Change & Fostering Relationships In an Agile Environment To Advance HR Impact
- How can we ensure we are staying agile as leaders and adapt to our environment in order to transform HR impact
- Establishing strong relationships with our C-Level team to drive advancements in HR strategy
- Building a great team and company culture for authenticity and seamless communication across the board
5:00 pm Action: How Can We Strategically Think Ahead and Invest In Our HR Function to Steer Our Organizations Towards Success?
Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair