Wanda Catalan

Wanda Catalan

Company: EFL Global

Job title: Vice President Human Resources, Culture and Talent Development


Panel Discussion: Navigating Change & Fostering Relationships In an Agile Environment To Advance HR Impact 4:20 pm

How can we ensure we are staying agile as leaders and adapt to our environment in order to transform HR impact Establishing strong relationships with our C-Level team to drive advancements in HR strategy Building a great team and company culture for authenticity and seamless communication across the boardRead more

day: Day One

Discover: Re-imagining Change Management & The Role of HR In Organizational Transformation; The Story from EFL Global 4:00 pm

How can we as HR see the potential in our workforce and make that investment in our people to prepare for the next era of logistics HR? What strategic decision making is required to transform your organization from the inside out? Successful strategies to prepare for and drive change management with genuine authenticity during a…Read more

day: Day One

Inspiring The Next Gen Logistics and Transportation Workforce
Tuesday, August 6 | 12-4pm 12:00 pm

This workshop day aims to deep dive into the methods and strategies HR leaders can implement to inspire a new generation to pursue a career in the logistics and transportation industry. This afternoon will get beneath the skin of the non-traditional tactics HR leaders can use to attract a new generation and unpick the perceptions…Read more

day: Pre-Conference Day

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